We’re Back

<img src="http://thedoghousediaries.com/dhdcomics/weareback.png&quot;

width=”800″ height=”443″

alt=”We’re Back”

title=”And we’re not leaving this time. In fact, we’re moving in with you. Dibs on top bunk.”

class=”comic-item comic-item-6025″ />

We’re Back! We missed you. Sorry it took so long.

As some of you have noticed, we?ve been dormant for a while now. It was a bummer, but we were at a point where free time was hard to come by. A few months ago we started talking about finding a way to get the band back together because it just stunk not doing this anymore. The ideas never stopped, it was just hard to find time to sit down and draw comics.

Now this may come as a shock to literally everyone, but we’re not the greatest at drawing. We’re actually not even very good at it. We are, in fact, the worst. It was one of the things holding us back from getting started again. Drawing the comics sometimes took hours for the simplest little sketch that should really only take 20 minutes for someone who’s a semi-competent illustrator. That’s why we decided to just get started again in the simplest form there is: written content. And we were actually surprised how much we enjoyed what we were making once we tried it.

We’ll be sharing some of the stuff we’ve been working on shortly. Until then, we’ll be whipping up a few standard style comics for you. We do plan to eventually expand to other mediums for our content again including comic form, but for now we’re kind of excited about the potential for this medium.

We’re happy to be back and thanks for sticking with us šŸ™‚

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